Soul of the Sword

Those who make a peaceful solution impossible, make a violent solution inevitable.

The mercenaries of Soul of the Sword are dedicated to providing a place for wayward souls to gather and form a community dedicated to aiding one another in the paths they walk.Balmung, Shirogane, W9, P37

The Soul of the Sword Mercenary Company

"Forged by bonds in battle and brought together with a common goal to help people all across the breath of the land, Soul of the Sword was formed by Sin Faye and Casa Kai to be a home for every person with a noble and adventurous heart. Even the truest of bonds can shatter however, as both the sword and the soul of the company clashed as they were thrown in a spiral of events out of their control.Culpora Norwood brought the company back from the edge of death along with the help of a new management team. Despite her reclusive and distant nature, she maintained an iron grip on the company from the shadows and helped to steer it to a new golden age. Now our company is ever evolving, expanding our reach and our clientele, as well as furthering our own causes. Our company serves not only Eorzea, but our own members as well. Expect to find members willing to help you on the path you choose to walk so that you do not have to walk it alone.Be it steel or or magic, if you seek a place to venture and call home, then we hope your soul burns bright too."

Soul of the Dragon

A mercenary's retreat to gather strength against the coming storm.

In the upper floors of the mercenary guild lies Soul of the Dragon, a small restaurant that serves as a place of respite for world-weary adventurers. On some rare occurances when supplies are high and gil is low, the cooks of the company will open up the grill for outsiders to come and enjoy a warm meal and a cold drink.

Events And Missions


Every Sunday at 8pm CST, SS-RP hosts a Venture series. These are one-shot or story-arc adventures that all members and friends of the company are free to attend. Groups are randomized and split as evenly as possible between our DM staff to ensure that members are able to get as much interaction time as possible. All the benefits of small-group RP with the comraderie of completing a job with your fellow company members!Ventures use a simplified rolling system to emphasize players working together and RPing over keeping track of stats and extraneous data. Most actions require a single roll, and the DM works with the players to establish how successful an action is based on the result of the roll and how the player RPs their action. Health and initiative are tracked by the DM for both the players and the enemies, so all players need to focus on is having fun and enjoying the ride!

Interested in joining?

Follow the steps below:

  • Read the rules found on this site.

  • Join the Discord.

  • Apply to the Free Company in-game.



NameSin Faye
PositionFC Leader ( OOC )
NameDrekki Kha
NameAmaterasu Okami
NameSilvia Kuroi
NameVavali Vali
NameBobango Gobango